The Archive

A collection of work we've done over the years

McDonald's – The One & Only

McDonald's has a core range of classic products - the 'Favourites'. We scoured the web to collect the most frequently used words and phrases that people reference when talking about their 'Favourite'. We then used these words to create iconic imagery that represented the audience's love for McDonald's in a way they could truly relate to.


Natwest – We use, we make

There are so many opinions, arguments and debate swirling around the topic of women working in the tech sector. Natwest wanted to present a clear and compelling point of view that will help inspire a bright future. Women are frequent and active users of technology. They also love to create and push the boundaries of technology. So why aren’t they more accepted when it comes to forming the future of technology? We created a film that would help galvanise women whilst inspiring empathy and the idea of possibility in both sexes.


Museum of Torture – Food for Thought 

How do you tap in to people’s curiosity of human torture without showing the obvious? The Museum of Torture has venues all over Europe and the owners wanted a campaign that was visually arresting without offending local authorities and more sensitive audiences. Using a mixture of common everyday household food, we demonstrated torture in a smart and intriguing way.


McDonald's – Burger Bank

Students have always been hard-up. For many years, McDonald’s has made a commitment to help students in a small but meaningful way with their 'free food' offer - buy a meal and get a burger for free. But rather than have the extra item then and there, the Burger Bank app allowed students to 'bank' their free food for a time when they had less money to eat out.


McDonald's – The Christmas Cab-i-oke

Christmas is the busiest time of year. People appreciate a little lift during the festive season so we literally gave it to them. We kitted out Hackney cabs with karaoke booths and called them the ‘McDonald’s Christmas Cab-i-okes’. They had taxi meters that used ‘vocal recognition’ to confirm that passengers were indeed ‘singing-a-long’ and rewarded them with free trips. The cabs travelled the UK spreading some Festive fun and giving people enjoyable moments of merriment with the McDonald’s brand.


AXE – The AXE Effect on YouTube

YouTube is the place millions of young guys go in search of something funny. It’s the perfect setting for the Axe brand to engage their audience. We discovered a little known technical feature on YouTube and hijacked it to give YouTube the Axe Effect.


McDonald's – The Big Mac Mind Tests

The Big Mac is an icon yet the younger generation don't see it that way. They’re not emotionally attached or engaged with the brand let alone the Big Mac. They can’t be told what to love. They have to discover it for themselves. Using science, psychology and mathematics, we came up with the Big Mac Mind Tests – a series of interactive experiments that would prove everyone's inherent love for the Big Mac.


McDonald's – The Other 4

With their 49p fruit bag, McDonald's provides kids with one of their five-a-day. We created a few fun recipes and posted them mcDonald's social channels to help mums with the other 4.


ChildLine – How U Feelin?

ChildLine can only help those who ask. If children don’t feel comfortable and reassured they certainly won't talk about the sensitive subject of abuse. We wanted to encourage children and young people to start talking about their feelings and make it easier for them to express themselves – whether good or bad. We wanted to ask them one simple question to answer… how u feelin?


British Heart Foundation – Sick Rick

The BHF wanted to educate children and young people about the dangers of junk food but didn’t know how to engage an audience who typically look the other way when being told what to do and how to live. This called for a new approach. We gave them junkmonkeys.tv – an online TV channel that delivered educational content with edgy tonality and an even edgier host, 'Sick Rick'.


Volkswagen – Smile

The return of the Volkswagen Beetle inspired happiness in its many fans and lots of great creativity. The insight that the car design simply made people smile was interpreted in many different ways worldwide but this ad distilled that thought to its purest form.

This ad was ripped off a few years later by an Australian advertising agency. The evidence appeared in a Creative Review article comparing the ads. 


McDonald's – Had one, had none

McDonald's is the ultimate comfort food. We created a series of 'lenticular' videos that showed the positive effect a McDonald's has on your day and how, without one, it's just not the same.


McDonald's – Happy Meal Toy Story

The Happy Meal is iconic. Everyone has had one and fondly remembers their favourite toy. We wanted to celebrate the UK's unique relationship with the Happy Meal by creating a crowd-sourced Wiki to catalogue every single Happy Meal toy. This gave the nation a nostalgic place to reminisce and reflect on happy McDonald's memories.


McDonald's – Cinema 2-4-1

McDonald's were giving away 2-for-1 cinema tickets with every large meal or premium salad. It was a great deal... but only if you took the right person. We created a series of digital ads that aped well known cinematic styles/genres. 


Bodyform – Home & Away idents

There is a big contrast between the British and Australian 'beach life'. This was the insight that inspired a series of idents created for Bodyform's sponsorship of Home & Away. The idents follow a group of girls making the most of a day at the seaside despite the bad British weather.


Microsoft – Generation 7

Rather than creating a standard set of ads for the launch of Microsoft's Windows 7, we decided to create content featuring a range of creative people thriving in a world powered by Windows - they were Generation 7. We took a DJ, fashion designer, photographer, director, developer, singer songwriter, and a snowboarder and kitted them out with Windows 7 PC's & phones – the tools to reach their full potential.


The aim of Generation 7 was to give a talented creatives the tools to make the step from good to great – Erik Johansson did just that and showed the awesomeness of Windows 7 every step of the way. Erik made national TV, got signed by a top production house, was commissioned to work with Coldplay and presented on TED. 


UAMK – Speed Kills

UAMK is the Czech road safety council. They commissioned a public service commercial to illustrate the dangers of excessive speed and urge people to drive at sensible speeds. Cannes Lions Finalist 2005.


Axe – Irritating Armpits

Axe were launching their first skin-friendly antiperspirant for men across Europe. They wanted a digital campaign to reassure their audience that their 'pulling power' would no longer be diminished due to the itching and burning of irritated armpits. Our idea was to bring 'armpits' to life and give them a personality.


Blackberry – Split

The BlackBerry 'Don't & Do' campaign set out to celebrate the Blackberry user – to identify those in our audience who seize opportunity and make them feel that they're distinct from those who don't. We produced an interactive video that offered a choice and showed the repercussions of the decision, both good and bad.


Amnesty International – Voices

Amnesty wanted to empower their audience to speak up and make a difference. This clever execution gave their message great visual impact and standout.


BMW – Personal Finance

BMW road-tested an exclusive personal finance service and this visual was created as a teaser across a variety of communication materials. Succinct, understated and confident, it summed up the brand and their new endeavour.


KitKat – Break

Iconic brand, iconic tagline, iconic ad.